Friday, November 19, 2010

1st Trimester Reflection

1. This year I have been proud of my Algebra exam. It felt really good to see how much I had learned.
2. I wish I had done better on radicals. Those were just weird and confusing.
3. I really enjoyed algebra... It wasn't really a challenge for me. Geometry is a little out of my comfort zone... I do #s not shapes :)
4. This year I feel as though I mastered:
       Quadratic Formula
       Multiplying and dividing rational expressions
5. a. Maintain my grade... I will do this by working hard on tests and quizzes and keeping up with my notes.
    b. Not say this is stupid or uggghhhh as much... I will do this by accepting the problems and think about it before saying ugh

Service Learning and Math

My service learning this year is bridging the digital divide.
When we have service learning we usually stay at trinity. We have been to the Goodwill Technology Recycling Center! :)
My service learning connects to math when we spread the word. We will have to know how many copies to print, how many technological devices we have collected, how many more we need, the numbers of hours it will take to finish our project, etc.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Make A Million Dollars

When do you make a million $s with these banks? look at my spreadsheet...
My results were...
1,000 @ 3% you would reach 1,000,000 at age 234
1,000 @ 4% you would reach 1,000,000 at age 177
1,000 @ 5% you would reach 1,000,000 at age 142
10,000 @ 3% you would reach 1,000,000 at age 156
10,000 @ 4% you would reach 1,000,000 at age 118
10,000 @ 5% you would reach 1,000,000 at age 95
100,000 @ 3% you would reach 1,000,000 at age 78
100,000 @ 4% you would reach 1,000,000 at age 59
100,000 @ 5% you would reach 1,000,000 at age 48

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Chapter 10 vocabulary!!!

Here is the vocab from Chapter 10!

Real World Parabolas!

A real parabola in the world...

TWO! real parabola in Charlotte...

Who: Jim Schindler
What: The McDonald's logo
When: Was created in 1962
Where: All over the world, but there is one at 2745 Freedom Dr, Charlotte, NC
Why: To distinguish McDonald's
How: Merged the two golden arches that resembled the new arch shaped signs on the side of restaurants.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Web 2.0 Tools we use in class!!!!!

Google Docs! We use google docs ALL the time in class. It is a easy way to create tons of documents and share them. This makes it easy to have them with you and know you'll never loose them. They are different from word docs because it is hooked to google so you can do many cool gadgets. I created a doc on my vocab

Google Groups! The main thing that our class can use on Google Groups is the "discussions" page. We start a discussion topic that we all post about! We can also upload files for the class to view.

Twiducate! Twiducate is a "twitter" for the class room. You post things like Twitter , but ONLY your class has access to what you post. It is a great way to share websites and information.

Avatars! I used the Lego Me avatar site to make my profile avatar, it was great and super easy! Using an avatar is a GREAT way to protect your identity while still having a fun profile picture! All you have to do is chose your face, clothes, etc. Here is the site...

My Avatar!!!