Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Web 2.0 Tools we use in class!!!!!

Google Docs! We use google docs ALL the time in class. It is a easy way to create tons of documents and share them. This makes it easy to have them with you and know you'll never loose them. They are different from word docs because it is hooked to google so you can do many cool gadgets. I created a doc on my vocab

Google Groups! The main thing that our class can use on Google Groups is the "discussions" page. We start a discussion topic that we all post about! We can also upload files for the class to view.

Twiducate! Twiducate is a "twitter" for the class room. You post things like Twitter , but ONLY your class has access to what you post. It is a great way to share websites and information.

Avatars! I used the Lego Me avatar site to make my profile avatar, it was great and super easy! Using an avatar is a GREAT way to protect your identity while still having a fun profile picture! All you have to do is chose your face, clothes, etc. Here is the site... http://www.reasonablyclever.com/?page_id=29

My Avatar!!!